Le projet Communautés bleues encourage les municipalités et les communautés autochtones à se doter d’un cadre reconnaissant l’eau comme un bien commun en adoptant des résolutions afin de :
- Reconnaître le droit à l’eau et aux services d’assainissement.
- Bannir ou éliminer progressivement la vente d’eau embouteillée dans les établissements municipaux et lors des activités municipales.
- Promouvoir les services d’eau et d’eaux usées financés, détenus et exploités par les gouvernements.
Le projet Communautés bleues a été lancé en 2009 par le Conseil des Canadiens, le projet Planète bleue et le Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique (SCFP). Au Québec, Eau Secours est également un partenaire du projet. Le mouvement Communautés bleues a pris de l’ampleur à l’échelle internationale, des municipalités comme Paris en France et Berne en Suisse étant devenues des « communautés bleues ». Des établissements d’enseignement, des communautés religieuses et des groupes confessionnaux ont aussi adopté les principes qui reconnaissent l’eau comme un bien commun partagé par tous et relevant de la responsabilité de tous.
Aidez votre communauté à devenir bleue !
Voici quelques réponses aux questions les plus courantes à propos du projet Communautés bleues.
Télécharger le guide Guide pour le projet Communautés bleues
Nous vous invitons à faire partie d’un mouvement local et mondial pour la justice de l’eau en adhérant au projet Communautés bleues – une initiative qui prône l’adoption par les administrations locales d’un cadre pour la reconnaissance de l’eau comme bien commun.
Découvrez comment participer à cette initiative en tant que militant local, employé du secteur public ou représentant élu pour aider à protéger l’eau, notre patrimoine commun, devant les pressions grandissantes pour commercialiser l’eau et privatiser les services d’approvisionnement en eau.
Groupes organisant des Communautés bleues
- Blue Community Germany / Die Blue Communities in Deutschland
- Blue Communities in Latin America
- Blue Communities Spain
- Blue Community Switzerland / Blue Community Schweiz
- Blue Communities in the United States, Food and Water Watch
- Blue Communities Project Guide (Canada & U.S.) / le Guide pour le projet Communautés bleues (français)
- Eau Secours, Québec, Canada
- Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada
Communautés bleues !
Blue Communities International
November 29, 2019
The Brussels Capital Region, representing 19 municipalities including the City of Brussels, agreed to co-sponsor the European Blue Communities meeting after voting to become a Blue Community in 2019.
To become a Blue Community, a local government or public institution must officially recognize water and sanitation as a human right, promote public water and wastewater services and phase out the sale of bottled water at municipal events. Brussels’ journey to becoming a Blue Community started in March 2018 by a group of IHECS students as part of a school project. The students, Aurélien De Bolster, Gabriel DeTheux, Martha Vandermeulen, Alexandre Van Hoek, Simon Verhoye and Lea Vromann were working on a school project related to water when they discovered the Blue Communities Project. Since then, the Blue Planet Project has supported their campaign together with our allies at the European Federation of Public Services Unions and Food and Water Europe. You can learn more about the journey of these students and their work to make Brussels a Blue Community here.
Congratulations Brussels Capital Region and the team at Brussels Blue Community for their tremendous efforts.
Pictured L-R: Meera Karunananthan (Blue Planet Project), Jonathan Bierman (Vivaqua), Minister-President of the Brussels Capital Region Rudi Vervoort, Maude Barlow and Brussels Blue Community représentatives Gabriel DeTheux, Lea Vromman, Martha Vandermeulan, Auréliens De Bolster, Alexandre Van Hoeke and Simon Verhoye.
Blue Communities Canada
July 13, 2021
Le Domaine-du-Roy Regional County Municipality is the first to mobilize all its communities to be Blue Communities. It includes Chambord, Lac-Bouchette, La Doré, Saint-André-du-Lac-Saint-Jean, Saint-Félicien, Roberval (2019), Saint-François-de-Sales (2019), Sainte-Hedwidge and Saint-Prime. Lisez plus.
Blue Communities International
November 6, 2019
Los Angeles becomes first major U.S. city designated as a Blue Community
Los Angeles is now the first major city in the U.S. to turn “blue,” joining cities around the world including Paris, France, Bern, Switzerland and Montreal in Canada to take clear steps to protect public water services.
“Protecting our water must be a global project,” said Council of Canadians Honorary Chairperson Maude Barlow. “In the past 10 years we have seen this movement grow in Canada, Europe, South America, and now our made-in-Canada idea has made it in Los Angeles.”
The Blue Community initiative commits the city to recognizing water and sanitation as human rights, promoting safe water and wastewater services and to phasing out the sale of bottled water at municipal events.
In Los Angeles, Council member Paul Krekorian led the fight. “This designation recognizes the groundbreaking efforts Los Angeles has undertaken in the areas of water rights, water quality, access and conservation, while also committing ourselves to meeting the future water needs of all Angelenos.”
The Blue Communities Project launched in 2009 as a joint initiative of the Council of Canadians, the Blue Planet Project, and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. It encourages people to work with their local elected representatives to bring forward resolutions that treat water as a common good that is shared by everyone and is the responsibility of all. There are now more than 23 million people living in Blue Communities.
The Council of Canadians congratulates Los Angeles for prioritizing public water and becoming a Blue Community!
Blue Community
May 1, 2024
NEWARI Becomes the First African NGO to Record Groundbreaking ‘Blue Community’ Designation, FountainCare Reporters, May 1, 2024
February 26, 2020
Blue University
Victoria College in the University of Toronto, Ontario became a Blue Community on October 12, 2023
Read more
Blue Communities International
January 15, 2025
We Own It is a UK based organization that campaigns against privatisation and for 21st century public ownership. Read more.